On Concerts of Bands of some friends and generally everywhere where I can take my camera with me, I try to catch the concert-experience on photos…
Here is a list of all bands, I got in front of my camera:
- Abramowicz
- Aleeza Lynn
- Alice Merton
- Amanda
- Anna Partué & The Soul Age Band
- apoa
- Between-Mountains
- Bikini Jesus
- Bremer Kneipenchor (tavern choir bremen)
- Brennholzverleih
- Bukow
- c²
- Capsula
- Chewbaccamassa
- Comes Vagantes
- Crème de la Brême
- Cultus Ferox
- Daisy Chapman
- Dead City Rebel Club
- Dear Reader
- Die Rinder vom Süderhof
- Die Streuner
- Dota
- Erdmöbel
- Fabula
- Flowin IMMO
- Godzilla In The Kitchen
- Hans the violin
- headedge
- InSign
- Insufficient Permissions
- Jeanine Vahldiek Band
- Jimmy Glitschy der einarmige Karussellbremser
- Jinx
- Kellerkinder
- Kilkenny Knights
- Kitty Solaris
- Knitting Fuel
- Lictor
- Lotte
- Lotte (Band)
- Lucie M und das Tribunal des Escargots
- Mac Bass
- Matt Wilde
- Mendozer
- Octobus
- Orb
- Paloma & The Matches
- PerKelt
- Pohlmann
- Psycho and SKA Funk'L
- Pyjama Hill
- Raoky
- Sönke Torpus
- Sugo
- Syntension
- Tam Lin
- Tanzwut
- The Absense Of Corners
- The Bastlörs
- The Fairies
- The Ironic
- The Road Brothers
- The Sandsacks
- The Trouble Notes
- Tim Neuhaus
- Tom Klose
- Torpus & The Art Directors
- Town of Saints
- Trio Frenetiko
- Wonach wir suchen (lit. "what we search for")
- Young Chinese Dogs
- Young Rebel Set
- Concerts at the Cross Vault Schöngleina
- Jenaer Schallspielnacht by PhonTon e.V.
- Jenaer Schallspieltag by PhonTon e.V.
- Breminale
- Breminale 2016
- Breminale 2017
- [2017-07-05] Kitty Solaris
- [2017-07-05] Bremer Kneipenchor (tavern choir)
- [2017-07-05] Aleeza Lynn
- [2017-07-05] Bikini Jesus
- [2017-07-05] Bukow
- [2017-07-05] Alice Merton
- [2017-07-05] Dota
- [2017-07-06] The Trouble Notes
- [2017-07-06] Amanda
- [2017-07-06] InSign
- [2017-07-06] Lotte
- [2017-07-06] Between Mountains
- [2017-07-07] Wonach wir suchen
- [2017-07-07] Flowin IMMO
- [2017-07-07] Paloma & The Matches
- [2017-07-07] Abramowicz
- [2017-07-07] Tom Klose
- [2017-07-07] Jinx
- [2017-07-08] Crème de la Brême
- [2017-07-08] Brennholzverleih
- [2017-07-08] Capsula
- [2017-07-08] LOTTE
- [2017-07-08] Raoky
- [2017-07-08] Town of Saints
- [2017-07-09] The Fairies (Rooftop-Concert!)
- [2017-07-09] Daisy Chapman
- [2017-07-09] Lucie M. und das Tribunal des Escargots
- [2017-07-09] Pohlmann
- [2017-07-09] Erdmöbel
- [2017-07-09] Sugo @ Jurte
- [2017-07-09] Dear Reader
- [2017-07-05] Kitty Solaris
- Breminale 2016